SR Earthing Tool - Supporting rootedness into the Earth.

(PC) Source Resonances were initially developed for use in rural, sub-saharan Africa and they work very well there. However in westernised, industrial cultures we find that people often need extra help to fully let the resonances in. This SR Earthing Tool is design to prepare the way for using specific Source Resonances as, when the root chakra is deeply grounded and earthed, then the crown and upper chakras may become more open and active and the whole system more able to allow in the action of the resonances. The SR Earthing Tool may also help to know which resonance to use next, through observing what arises as it is used.

This resonance is used frequently during our Self-help Programmes. Below is a range of exercises for programme participants to try out - experiment and find out which ones you like.

Earthing Exercises

1. Tree:

This exercise can be done inside or outside. You could try it in a park or natural environment.

2. Magnetic Boots:

3. White Light, Red Light.

This white light/red light cycle can be repeated. As you use this exercise over a number of days or weeks you may find that you can speed it up, while still getting the full benefit. Some people like to practise it while waiting in a queue, and it can be useful if feeling stressed or anxious.