Register for Membership of SourceMedicine.Zone

Registering will allow access to a selection of free Enhancer Resonances and Resonances available for sale.

Membership is open to anyone who aspires to conscious living and who wants to explore the potential of our Resonances in supporting this. By submitting this form, you confirm that this applies to you.

Account details:

Details for the personalisation of Resonances (see more):

Practitioners please note: Once you are registered you will be able to make personalised Resonance links for clients from your account.

Access to Resonances:

In order to determine which Resonances you have access to, please answer the following questions:

The Practitioner therapeutic range of (PC) Source Resonances are available to professional health practitioners, therapists and life coaches, etc. for use within their specialist skills area. In order to have access to this range, please state your professional background and registration details here. For students receiving supervision, please state course and college.'

For homeopaths, please complete the following to confirm:

  Already registered? Log in here

By clicking the button 'Register Now' you are confirming that you have read and agreed with our Terms and Conditions for use of the Resonances and of this website.